I wish I could just tell you that Forgotton Anne is brilliant and wrap
things up there. I want to leave you to go enjoy it without saying
anything else, because that's the way this story should be encountered.
It's a game about a lack of knowledge - yours, and Anne's - and how this
can be both a curse and a blessing. It's a game about forgetting things
and about loss, about remembering what you had and the cost of doing
so. Best of all, it's a game which will win you over with its huge
amount of heart.
then. Let's talk about the scarf. Within the first few minutes of
playing you'll meet a living scarf. His name is Dilly, and he's a
Forgotling - the name for the living objects in Anne's world. Comparing
Forgotton Anne's style to Studio Ghibli seems a lazy comparison - it's
anime, right? - but there's a definite inspiration from the whimsy of
that studio's ideas. Anne's world is a place where the forgotten items
from our reality end up and there, somehow, they find consciousness. And
so you meet the scarf, Dilly, who has broken into your house.
been an explosion outside and Anne thinks it's rebels - and then you
see Dilly snooping around, unable to explain why he's there. He's
clearly a threat. You're the Enforcer, it turns out, one of just two
humans in this world and who, together, have taken charge of it. He is
just a scarf wearing a pair of glasses, but it is the natural reaction
to stop him, of course - so you do. You have the power to distill a
Forgotling, remove its life-force, and without any second warning the
game lets you. Sapping out his energy using the Arca device on your
wrist, the little scarf crumples motionless to the floor.
I can appreciate when a game tells me I'm approaching a big decision
or a point of no return. It's got to the point where it now feels a
discourtesy not to do so, particularly in monolithic RPGs. But while
Telltale does it and Life is Strange does it, Forgotton Anne does not.
There are times when you are told an interaction's outcome "could have
played out differently", but only after the fact. Without spoiling too
much, it feels like the right decision. The method to simply scare Dilly
the scarf is present - I've gone back and played it through again after
finishing - but there's no reason you would use it at this point.
Later, another Forgotling whose fate you decide can be scared off by
just starting the distillation process but not continuing with it -
something I discovered almost by accident while trying to work out how
to avoid actually killing them. I wouldn't have even thought to do so at
the game's beginning.
Forgotton Anne mixes its story with light
platforming and puzzles which generally involve powering up bits of
machinery and opening doors to progress. You do so with your Arca
device, literally on hand, which can store one charge of energy at a
time. The most frustrating this ever gets is when you are short an
energy charge and need to go hunting further afield for one. Forgotton
Anne is very much a linear game, but areas often allow you to roam back
and forth a fair way, and there are lots of places to go digging around
to meet extra characters and learn more about the world - which you
should definitely do as much as possible. Doing some of these
side-sections and using up energy there can leave you energy-less when
it comes to finishing the next big progress-blocking puzzle, though - so
there were a couple of times I had to backtrack a little and work out
where I could draw more energy from.
those characters and making those introductions is well worth the
hassle, though. Forgotton Anne builds its world and enables Anne's slow,
growing understanding of it through your meetings with its oddball mix
of other Forgotlings: stoner lava lamps and childlike rocking horses, a
feisty quill pen who works as a forger, and the motherly blanket who
once belonged to a small child. The only other human character is your
mentor, the distant and oddly-named Master Bonku, who is close to
completing an invention which might take the two of you home to the real
world. And then there's my favourite - the brilliantly written and
performed Fig, the charismatic leader of the Forgotling rebels, who
believes there's a better way for them to live than under your rule.
has shades of BioShock Infinite's Elizabeth, who has grown up in a kind
of isolation and developed a rather childlike understanding of the
worlds she has seen. There are storytelling tricks which remind me of
Bastion, and specifically Brothers: A Two Souls - where you realise
you're doing something unprompted, because it simply feels the right
thing to do in a situation, and only afterwards realise how the game has
quietly led you there. Unlike those other games, though, there are
narrative choices throughout. Whatever the game throws at you - and at
points it gets particularly heavy - you feel in control of where it is
headed. And when all is said and done you'll want to see what might have
happened if you'd chosen differently, looked the other way.
all comes back to that scarf. As the story concludes there's plenty of
time for reflection on your journey through it, and I can't shake what
is now a genuine guilt at how it all began. I want to say more about why
and how, but I can't. Forgotton Anne is brilliant, and I'll wrap things
up there.