Yes, I know, I'm selling sticks, but these sticks fell off of something
that nearly killed me in a deep, dark dungeon just a few minutes ago. I
risked my hide for that limestone over there, too. This particular
starter cable is most certainly a priceless relic, and if you want me to
get more treasure like it, you're going to have to pay the price I've
set for it. Or at least a price we can agree on.
In Moonlighter, your RPG hero's inventory, perpetually overstuffed with
all the things you're absolutely sure you're going to need one day, is a
vital part of the experience. You control Will, the young, white-haired
owner of the eponymous shop in the small town of Rynoka. The shop's
name is everything, as Will sells only items he's gathered while
moonlighting as an adventurer at the dungeon not far from his house.
When we first meet him, he's in there armed with nothing but a broom,
and despite giving his all our adventurer promptly receives the beating
of his life. This is the game's first and most important lesson: to make
it through the dungeon, you're going to need more than just skill -
you're also going to need a whole lot of cash for equipment.
At first, Moonlighter feels like a bit of a vicious circle. To get
better weapons, you need materials and quite a formidable stack of
coins, but to get either of these you're going to have to go into the
dungeon and fight monsters for parts to sell once you return. The
procedurally generated dungeons, five in total, have Zelda written all
over them: exploring the interconnected rooms, there are always plenty
of pots to smash, innocent bushes to stab and ravines to tumble down.
You face off against a variety of enemies with different behaviours, and
that means adapting or getting cornered quickly. An escape is possible
at any point using a talisman that drops you right back in town. Using
it costs money, getting away in one piece is thankfully a bargain.
There's much to find, but your inventory is purposefully tight. Items
can be stacked up to a certain limit depending on their rarity, but
even that only gets you so far. During the first hour or two this isn't
much of a problem, as I was more likely to leg it before I got killed,
but as soon as I had the necessary skill to deal with any threats
without much fuss, I found a lot more items than I could carry.
Moonlighter both helps and hinders the decision-making process by
assigning items different attributes. If you pick up a cursed item for
example, it may destroy something else in your inventory, and you have
to shift things around or break the curse with an item carrying the
curse-breaking attribute. Other items can send something adjacent to it
straight to the shop or turn a material into something more valuable. If
something really has to go, you can turn it into a small amount of coin
using a magical mirror of money-making.
Once home, it's time to decide what you want to sell, put a price
on it and wait for customers to swarm the shop. You want a balance
between selling your wares too cheaply and having them gather dust on
your shelves. People will look at the price for a moment and then let
you know what they think of it via an icon over their heads. If they
smile, you hit the sweet spot, if they become over-excited you're giving
things away for peanuts, and if they sigh, your offering stays where it
is. You can adjust prices at a moment's notice and customers will give
it another chance, turn them off too often and they might steal it
instead. Items periodically lose and regain popularity, especially later
in the game people become more discerning to the point where they'll
put the odd request in. All of the shop management is easier than it
sounds, as you can find all the information about the popularity of
items as well as their ideal selling price, once discovered, in your
trusty notebook.
I soon developed a rhythm that, like with all the best games, would
suck me in for hours at a time. I either went with the working schedule
of the average freelancer and sold off my inventory during the day
before I went back to the dungeon at night, or I went exploring during
the day, when easier monsters spawned. From my first money, I gave back
to the community that presumably taught me everything I know and
provided the starting funds to the blacksmith's and the alchemist's. New
weapons, armour and potions often cost money as well as resources, so
from time to time I had to stop mindlessly slinging wares at people and
hold something back for myself - a wish list helps to keep track of the
materials needed.
There isn't much need for a story, since the prospect of unlocking the
next dungeon and seeing what's in it proves the perfect motivator. Five
dungeons may not seem like much at first, but you have to spend a fair
amount of time in each before you can unlock the next and there's a
whole town to develop besides. Rynoka isn't what it once was, and as
Will makes a name for himself, more merchants ask for help to fill the
place with life again. There's also the matter of developing your own
shop and lodgings from a small ramshackle hut to a formidable business
Moonlighter's only downside is being too rigid in its insistence in
an absolute balance between bartering and fighting. Whenever I felt
ready to tackle the dungeon boss, decked out in shiny armour and eager
to try out my newly-purchased weapon, the game would immediately slap me
on the wrist because I decided to forgo an upgrade or two. As long as
there's a stronger weapon to be made with resources from your current
dungeon, you need to get it or alternatively spend half an hour barely
making a dent in the boss you're facing.
It's a similar formula to that of this year's grindiest smash hit
Monster Hunter World, which has you killing the same monsters multiple
times to gather enough resources, only with less variety. As nice as
procedurally generated dungeons are, it was occasionally frustrating to
know the only reason I was going back yet again was that one particular
type of leaf because I couldn't move on without it. There's generally
enough to do to distract from this minor sore spot, however, as
Moonlighter's clear dedication to its idea manages to suck you into both
the exciting adventurer's life and the more sedate job of selling your