Was there any cooler presence in the arcades of the 90s than SNK?
There's always been something about the games from the Osaka outfit,
matching impeccable style with deep tech and a serious amount of
swagger. It's no wonder the likes of Garou: Mark of the Wolves and The
Last Blade are still spoken about with a hushed reverence.
it's also no wonder that when, after years of tumultuous corporate
wrangling, the SNK name properly returned back in 2016, there was a
frisson of excitement. The King of Fighters 14 was a fine way to mark
the occasion, an intricate and expansive spin on the series, and now we
have something a mite more ambitious. Samurai Shodown is a reboot of the
series that helped forge the SNK brand, in all its steely cool, back in
1993. And I'm delighted to say this new entry is absolutely brilliant.
helps that it stays faithful to the core tenets of the original, and
indeed to many of the games that followed. Over a quarter of a century
and multiple entries, Samurai Shodown has always been a series that's
experimented with its systems, but the backbone has remained largely the
same; here's fighting that's more measured, higher impact and with big
consequences for those who make mistakes. Whiff, and over half your
health meter can be wiped out by a single blow.
That's true as ever this time
out, and it can feel absolutely brutal. That brutality is played to by
violence that's comically over-played - there are dismemberments and
gushing geysers of blood, smearing your character in flecks of crimson
as they deal out damage - and offset by a sense of serene beauty. There
are more technically accomplished fighting games out there, but when it
comes to style - and to a ceaseless commitment to it - then Samurai
Shodown is near the top of the pile, its rough rendition of Sakoku-era
Japan brought to life with exquisite detail.
The 3D models carry
thick ink outlines and parchment texture that give them a distinct 2D
style, while cherry blossoms, woodblock art, hanafuda cards and kabuki
theatres all pop with colour and grace. It's a comic book
approach that lends a real sense of place, and gives Samurai Shodown an
aesthetic that's carried through with conviction.
There's more
conviction - and much of Samurai Shodown's joy - to be found in the
clashing swords of its combat. At the very foundation this is a fighting
game that uses SNK's standard four-button set-up, and atop that is a
reliance on weaponry that enables the heavy-hitting, high-consequence
tempo of its encounters, and playing into all that are an elaborate set
of systems.
A rage meter
fills up as you take punishment, and when full it pushes you into a
state where your attacks serve up more damage. You can, if you choose,
spend that meter for a chance of performing a one-off attack that'll
demolish over half of your opponent's health - in a move that's told
with great cinematic flair as the backdrop becomes deep red while your
fighters are rendered in monochrome - but once it's spent, it's gone for
the entire fight. There are supers, too, that are just as devastating,
and again are limited to a single use in any given fight, lending
Samurai Shodown's match-ups a stark, easy to understand sense of
Weapons can be knocked out of fighter's hands, leaving
them vulnerable (and, even better, you can knock a weapon out of an
opponent's hand and have it land behind you, allowing you to fiercely
guard it as they come at you with bare fists in a fit of desperation).
There's a counter for that, too, with disarmed players able to
catch a weapon between their bare hands and tossing it aside, providing
their timing and execution is on point.
It makes for encounters
that are slow, more deliberate and about poking away at defenses and
making sure you've got the chops to pull off a good counter. Samurai
Shodown is, in contrast to many of its contemporaries, sedate and
stately. It's also super enjoyable, with enough systems hanging in
balance to always enable a surprise, and with the mechanics in place to
ensure fights are often full of awe-inspiring moments.
For all the richness on display in
the moments that matter, when you're engaged in combat, there's no
escaping that Samurai Shodown is not as generous with its feature set as
it is with its style. There are only some 16 characters here, which
seems paltry when placed next to the likes of The King of Fighters, but
they're a distinct bunch complete with some delicious flavours. 13 are
returning favourites, with three fresh combatants in the form of
Wu-Ruixiang, complete with traps and fireballs, Darli Dagger, whose
jagged saw-sword makes it look like she's just strolled in from Monster
Hunter, and personal favourite Yashamaru Kurama, a part-yokai who wields
a savage nagamaki. It's slim pickings, basically, though you can be
assured that whatever you do pick will be a worthwhile fighter.
excusable, though, is the scarcity of features. There's a story mode
which really doesn't amount to much more than a small handful of
cutscenes thrown in amidst a straight gauntlet of fights, a tutorial
that's effective but slight and standard fare such as time attack and
survival modes. Online is similarly skinny, with not much beyond casual
and ranked play (though I do like the option, if you're feeling plucky,
of skipping through the ranks at the very start of your online career to
make sure you're facing up against the best as soon as possible).
The one claim to innovation isn't exactly that either, with a Dojo
mode inspired by Virtua Fighter 4 Evo's career - this lot have taste
- that is either a piece of inspired machine learning that allows
players to upload and download representations of other players or, if
you're feeling a little more cynical, a puffed up ghost mode. I'm
leaning more towards the former, though, and while there's some
spottiness and move spamming from a few too many uploads it does seem to
be capable of putting up a decent approximation of an online fight.
it's the fighting where Samurai Shodown really shines, delivering a
spin on the series that's approachable, deep and full of flair. Put the
package next to the likes of Mortal Kombat 11, or Street Fighter 5 in
its complete edition, and Samurai Shodown comes up seriously short. It
has style in excess, though, and a swagger that is unmistakably,
winningly old-school SNK. What a glorious thing it is.