modest double jump, for
Though not without its moments, Forces is a depressing return to form for Sonic the Hedgehog after the joys of Mania.
Shadow's scalp! Amy's boots! Silver's gloves! A T-shirt with Knuckles on it! Those goggles whatshisname wears! Every completed stage or mission brings with it an avalanche of on-brand tees, caps, suits, boots and full-body paintjobs, such that the story becomes less about thwarting Eggman than feeding up Sonic's latest accomplice, shovelling the viscera of Sonic also-rans and forgotten properties like Super Monkey Ball into its furnace maw. You keep waiting for somebody - poor abused Classic Sonic, who would surely be screaming inconsolably if he were able to speak, or Eggman, who has been cloning the hedgehog for decades - to notice, to raise a trembling finger toward the ravenous void at the game's heart. Horror has a face, they say. Wrong! Horror has a face you can customise.
This summer's fan-made 2D throwback Sonic Mania had me feeling like a child again. Forces makes me a feel like I'm a million years old, like Saturn in his dotage, munching on the corpses of his offspring. It isn't an utterly abysmal game by any means, a reasonably slick continuation of the entwined 3D race-course and retro 2D platforming stage design that reached its apex in Sonic Generations. But it is a profoundly empty experience, a rearranging of pieces that have long since (blue) blurred into one, and the addition of a custom player avatar you can deck with the pelts of other characters only hammers that point home.
Forces is a tale of three games, spread across around 40 stages (including around 10 or so optional and prequel stages). There are the Classic Sonic levels, quaint 3D hop-n-bop affairs with throwback audio effects and old props like power-up TVs. These are quite restful, with Sonic's moveset boiled back to a spin-attack and his momentum-building spin-dash, and often rather jolly, particularly when the developer revives a cherished memory such as Robotnik Eggman's first boss appearance only to gleefully transform it. As with Sonic's 2.5D outings at large, however, the physics seem off, with jump height and your precise mobility in the air a little hard to gauge, and in any case, there's nothing on offer here that Generations didn't do better.

They are just as often frustrating, however, with a camera that pivots jarringly from over-the-shoulder to side-on, a fickle automated lock-on system and sections that strip you of full control without warning. Memorise these stages in your quest for a higher score and such blemishes and switch-ups are less bothersome, but that doesn't make them any more graceful. The environment art at least is lustrous throughout, even on the under-muscled Switch - eerie temple casinos engulfed by neon jungle, orange asteroid fields strung together by grind rails and a pearlescent sci-fi metropolis that might have been loaned from WipEout. The audio is predictably gorgeous, too. Hold down boost and the game's wailing J-rock score bursts into full clarity, a flourish that is more gratifying than any quantity of dreary virtual merchandise.

Replaying stages with different gadgets adds a couple of hours to a game you can polish off in a day, but the Rookie otherwise feels like mutant connective tissue - like something that has swelled up in the cavity between Classic and Modern Sonics, merging a little of their essence with a tepid reworking of the rockstar consumerism that was once a major selling point in the fight against Mario. None of the Rookie's abilities really change your approach to each layout, and once their novelty has faded, it's hard not to wish those resources had been spent on more straight Sonic levels. Least convincing of all are the handful of climatic scenarios where Sonic and the Rookie are controlled as one, running side by side and alternating attacks in a cut-down homage to Sonic Heroes. If the aim is to make the veteran Sega fan feel like part of the story, their veneration made flesh alongside the lead, the impression is of the bloated Sonicverse itself chasing after the hedgehog and butting him out of the way.

What the series certainly doesn't need is an actual, in-game personification of all the rubbish Sonic has gathered into his orbit since kicking the MegaDrive to the curb. Forces is a decent pick for youngsters in search of something bright and throwaway, and diehard Sega nutters will doubtless find a space for it, but if you're still riding the high after Mania's release this is one hedgehog you can probably leave in the road.