It's only now, all these years after they were a thing, that a more fitting label has come to my attention, via the Japanese release of the Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle that's lovingly known as the Capcom Belt Action Collection. Belt action! It's absolutely perfect, describing the succession of enemies there to be biffed through like it's some ultra-violent spin on the final round of The Generation Game. Punk! Bouncer! Some dude with claws that looks like 20th Century Fox will come knocking anytime soon given his uncanny likeness to The Predator!
The Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle - sorry, Belt Action Collection - is a fine thing, with offbeat treats like Battle Circuit and Armored Warriors (even if it's a shame that the mercurial Alien versus Predator isn't there - maybe because 20th Century Fox got so tired of their property turning up in every other beat 'em-up of the era), but the pinnacle of the genre arrived on Switch and PS4 last month in Japan, and is getting its EU release this week. The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors (or Ninja Warriors Once Again, as it's known in Japan) is a remake of the 1994 SNES game Ninja Warriors, itself an incredible take on the beat 'em-up, full of 80s sass and muscle and with action that stands head and shoulders over its peers.
That aesthetic was taken, beefed up and served with a side order of chunk for Natsume's sort-of-not-quite remake for the SNES in 1994. It's like a VHS cult classic taken to outlandish extremes. It's the detail that really brings The Ninja Saviors alive - there's a freeze-frame on downing those bosses that feels brilliantly heroic, while your own character, upon dying, exposes the metal chassis beneath their skin and detonates in a pixel-plume of fire and smoke. In Ninja Warriors, even dying feels cool.

They're three very different characters too, offering three very different playstyles. Ninja's an impossibly large tank, strutting through hordes with his improbably broad shoulders and dealing whipping attacks with his nunchucks. There's the more athletic Kunoichi whose jump describes a beautiful - and deadly, for those caught in it - arc. Then there's the scythe-wielding Kamaitachi, who deals quicker attacks.

It all makes for a remaster that's at once subtle and sublime, drilling down into what made the originals special while making them shipshape for modern consoles with retouched artwork and 16:9 support. It's a wonderful thing, and one I can't recommend highly enough. Some might balk at paying a decent amount for what's eight fairly short levels of action, but screw that lot. If it's a slice of proper nuanced 2D action you're after, you can't really do much better than The Ninja Saviors. Call it a beat 'em-up, call it belt action, call it whatever - just make sure you get involved with this.