Wreckfest is, quite simply, the best Flatout game to date. We
thought as much last year when it released on PC, and having spent a
while with the console versions that opinion hasn't changed a bit - if
anything, it's lovely to have Bugbear's brilliance back on console where
it belongs. This review is from the PC version last year, and very much
still applies to this week's console release - though be warned that
load times are excruciatingly long on Xbox One and PS4, and even playing
on an Xbox One X you're going to be falling well short of 60fps.
They're small, noticeable problems that are a shame, but don't detract
from the greatness on offer here.
It has been, you sense, a bit of a rough ride for Bugbear
Entertainment. Wreckfest, which has finally left Early Access, is only
the talented Finnish developer's second game within the last decade -
and the other, sadly, was Ridge Racer Unbounded, a brilliantly muscular
racer that might have earned itself a place alongside close
contemporaries such as Split/Second and Blur if it wasn't for the
baggage that the Ridge Racer name weighed it down with. All the while
the Flatout series that made the studio's name veered into disrepute
(even if Kylotonn did restore a little pride with last year's outing),
and Wreckfest itself has never really had it easy either, birthed from a
failed Kickstarter and seeing several false starts across its four
years in Early Access.
The end result, after all that time and toil, is a surprisingly
modest affair; a simple no-frills game that's more Destruction Derby
than Flatout, evoking a different era for the racing genre with its
no-nonsense approach. Unassuming it may be, but it's also absolutely
wonderful, a knockabout racer that sticks to what Bugbear does best;
this is all about cars lunching one another in a variety of events that
are tuned towards maximum carnage, and as ever there's a cathartic joy
to be found in seeing fields of pre-loved machinery crumble at your
fingertips. There's more to just finishing first - or being last car
standing - with objectives and rivalries offering a little extra
motivation in events. Though truthfully it's still about smashing the
crap out of everything in sight.
And Wreckfest really has a lovely line in tearing cars apart. The
damage model here is exceptional, the soft body physics just a few
notches down from the standard setting BeamNG.drive but benefitting from
the fact they're placed in a very tangible, winningly traditional game.
A few little wrinkles aside, Wreckfest keeps things very simple -
you're either racing or wrecking, placed into a pool of twisted metal in
demolition derby events or into a stream of cascading chaos in races
that take place across dusty makeshift tracks. And even when you're in a
pure multi-lap race, the truth is you're always wrecking and racing.
This is a muscular, elbows-out brand of racing, met by a glorious
feel. That's underlined by some deliciously weighty handling -
forward-wheel drive cars need some proper coaxing into corners, while
the longer, louder rear-wheel drive cars take a more pendulous approach
that needs some taming. Wreckfest offers banger racing with real
character, and it's helped by a car-list that's brilliantly offbeat (and
fictional, it should be pointed out, though seeing as cars seem to be
modelled directly from their real-world inspiration here's hoping that
the licence-holders don't take note and rob Wreckfest of one of its
strongest suits). And so there's a Saab 93, all squat and buzzing like a
wasp, or a Jaguar XJS that's positively languorous in its vision of 80s
luxury. Or a pre-facelift Toyota Supra A70 complete with 7M-GTE power
unit (yes, that is my own particular set of wheels that I have in my
drive and yes, I'm delighted that the first time I've ever seen my own pride and joy in a video game it's as a high-end banger). The AI does a good job of putting up a decent fight while never frustrating - a fine line that Bugbear's toed quite nicely.
When pitted against one another, Wreckfest truly comes alive. Car
combat in this game is blunt yet nuanced, the scraps and scrapes playing
a big part in your eventual success. It's about knowing where
to hit any particular car in order to destabilise it, figuring out its
centre of gravity and doing your level best to sent it pirouetting off
into oblivion. Or it's about seeing where a battle-worn car's weakness
lies, capitalising on an exposed radiator or a bent wheel to double down
on the damage.
Or, if you don't want to think about things too deeply, it's about
careering headlong into a field of cars as they round a corner, using
them as makeshift anchors and wiping a few out in the process. This is
griefing: the game, where exploits that would get you kicked out of any
self-respecting modern racer are welcomed with open arms (and, in a
curious twist, the small online community that populates Wreckfest's
multiplayer are an exceedingly friendly bunch, with smiles and
camaraderie bookending the ultraviolence that takes place behind the
wheel). Bugbear continues to do a great line in flying tire
walls, and it ties nicely into the physicality of Wreckfest. You can amp
that up by selecting 'Realistic' damage, which while stopping short of
BeamNG cruelty does add another layer of strategy to events.
It somehow manages to conjure kindness out of chaos, which is no
small feat. Elsewhere Wreckfest tries to impose structure over chaos,
and it's one of its few shortcomings. The career is generous and varied,
taking you from lawnmowers to more potent beasts through a lattice of
events, but it's never particularly good in imparting you with a sense
of progress, or even letting you know what's necessary in order to move
to the next tier of events. There's a sense that the slightly slim heart
of Wreckfest is being stretched a little thin, and Bugbear's made a bit
of a mess of doing so.
But still, what a heart it is, pounding to the beat of the type of
driving game we haven't had in far too long. Wreckfest offers primal
pleasures, and offers them up with little by way of pretension. It also
offers them with a little bit of that Bugbear class that made those
older Flatout games so treasured, and what a thrill is to have that back
after far too long.