On the other, though, it's a tightly engineered, staggeringly deep turn-based tactical game, serving up a smart evolution of the formula that Intelligent Systems has been developing for nearly 30 years now. Maybe that's a formula you're not familiar with, and if that's the case then imagine it something like this: it's Advance Wars, that other Intelligent Systems' turn-based series, but here your MD tank is a living, breathing thing that you can talk to and level up. Oh, and also you're trying to make your tanks rut so that at some point they might make small baby tanks that will inherit attributes from both parents.

It's a full-blooded and generous extension, mind, and those same traditionalists should also be buoyed by the fact that Three Houses leans heavily on older, more classical expressions of Fire Emblem. Like Gaiden before it - itself remade for 2017's Shadows of Valentia - the weapon triangle is gone, while weapon durability is in. There's a rewind feature - again borrowed from Shadows of Valentia - that takes some of the pain away if you choose to play, as god intended, on Classic mode whereby permadeath is enabled, so that you can erase that one false move that saw an important character felled.
And the set-up is a lift from Genealogy of the Holy War - which I won't pretend to have played, as the 1996 SNES game never made it westwards - with childhood friends being called into battle against each other. Those friendships and rivalries are baked into the core of Three Houses, and force tough decisions from the very start. Indeed, probably the hardest one you'll make all game comes at the outset as you choose your school, each with their own set pupils (with the option to recruit others later in the campaign). There's the Black Eagles led by the noble-blooded Edelgard who excel at magic, the Blue Lions headed up by the prince Dimitri who are adept with swords and the Golden Deer, led by the dashing Claude, whose specialities lean towards archery.

Schoolyards and battlefields have much in common already, and there's a compelling rhythm flitting between the two in Three Houses. During the weekdays you're tutoring pupils, defining their curriculum and delivering lectures as you look to tailor their attributes and unlock talents. Or maybe you're out exploring the corridors and courtyards, talking to students of other schools and running errands. Or you're fishing, or taking part in choir practice, or embarking on school outings to help raise the motivation of the students in your charge. Or even heading out into battle in optional quests and 'paralogues' that serve as side-stories, whereby you might gain access to more powerful gear.

Those battalions are one of several new features that give this Fire Emblem a very distinct flavour. With the old weapon triangle gone, there's now more room to tailor each individual unit towards your own goal, plotting your own path through the broad class system, decking them out with combat arts and abilities and creating a unit that feels entirely your own. The knock-on effect, on the battlefield, is a brand of strategy that's much more pliable than what's gone before, and there's an elegance to the complexity - even if it comes at the expense of some the clockwork pleasure of older games.
This isn't the game to bring together fans of the old-spec Fire Emblem and those drawn in by the appeal of the new. There's a clear divide right through the centre of Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and its masterstroke is in bridging the two, the bonds you build away from the battlefield giving each blow taken on it that much more impact. It's a deeply emotional tactical game, one in which you end up invested in each unit. In that way, it's true to what's always made Fire Emblem so special - it's just that Three Houses expresses itself on a different scale, and a different style. Fire Emblem: Three Houses really is a game of two halves, but they come together to make one incredible whole.