The islands can't help but remind me of FTL's spaceships a little.
Considering that Subset's last game, FTL, handed you an entire galaxy
to knock about in, Into the Breach might strike you as being a little
cramped in its opening minutes. This turn-based tactical battler likes
to drop you into snug maps of eight squares by eight. You never have
more than a handful of turns to worry about on each mission, and you
have just three units to control as standard. What's worth remembering,
though, is that FTL may have been set in the vast reaches of space, but
it found its most frantic entertainment in the compact and
claustrophobic arrangement of rooms that was your spaceship. This is a
studio that understands panic and understands the power of confinement.
FTL is a classic - and Into the Breach may well be even better.
The question with any turn-based tactical game is: what kind of game is this really?
Once you take away the mechs and the super-soldiers, is this Chess
again? Is it American Football? The easiest answer for Into the Breach -
and it's not a complete answer because Into the Breach is not an easy
game to get your head around - is that beneath a veneer that invokes the
likes of Front Mission and even Advance Wars, this is billiards. By
which I mean your shots matter, but victory lies in understanding where
the remaining pieces are going to come to rest afterwards.
This is
doubly true because so much of Into the Breach isn't merely concerned
with blasting away at mutant hordes with your guns and missiles and
lasers. It's concerned with doing all that while shoving them
too. Shoving them into the sea where they drown. Shoving them onto a
dangerous tile that is about to drop into the earth or be hit by falling
magma or be engulfed with the burning fumes from a rocket launch.
Missiles and lasers and guns are great, but you learn to look through
the weapons you're given along the course of an adventure and cherish
the ones that have drag or knockback powers. Again: it's not how much
damage you do in a round, it's what the board looks like once the round
is finished.
And here's something else. Into the Breach is also Whack-a-Mole. Your
team of three units may drop from the sky into a deployment zone at the
start of each mission - man, you can mess things up terribly badly by
misjudging the deployment zone - but your enemies spawn from the ground,
and the spots where they spawn are highlighted in the turn before you
emerge. What this means is that you can park on them and stop them from
coming up. You take a point of damage for that, of course. Better still -
and remember, this is billiards, right? - you can knock an enemy back
onto a spawn tile and they'll block the enemy and they'll take the point of damage.
Cripes, Into the Breach is filled with this stuff. It is filled with synergy,
which is why it can get so much tragic storytelling into a mission
that's five turns long. Everything in the game ties into something else:
this is true at the level of knockback damage and spawn tiles and it's
true at the other end of the scale as you find out that each in-game
achievement you earn, for example, grants you a coin that you can spend
on unlocking new loadouts of units.
All of this works because
Into the Breach is a game of total information. You know how much damage
an enemy is going to do and you can get a clear sense of what attack
it's about to make. You know how far you can move at any time and what
your own attack options are. On top of this, Into the Breach is one of
those magical games where you're trying not to lose as much as you're
trying to win. And there are so many ways to lose! Each mission you're
dropped into will have its own subset of mini-objectives - protect a
train, defeat a certain number of enemies, keep a particularly tricky
enemy alive - that will give you a specific reward. But there's also the
wider objective: survive until the turns you're given have run out.
survival is complicated. You can lose your units - and any pilots
controlling them will die and permanently take their perks with them -
or you can allow too much damage to befall the little tower blocks that
are scattered around each level. Tower blocks power the grid, which is
basically the health meter of the specific island campaign you're
fighting at present, each one having their own clusters of missions and
their own quirks, from deserts that offer up dust storms to coasts with
tidal waves that eat away at the land and a cybernetic island where
you're not just fighting the mutant beasts but some rogue AIs too.
of this spirals a gloriously ordered campaign, absolutely filled with
difficult choices. You will never be able to do all the things you want
to. At the simplest level of things, you must complete a series of
missions before a climactic battle at the island's HQ, and while you
select your missions you're trading off the difficulty posed by it and
the rewards it offers: reputation points that can be spent at the
end-of-island shop to buy new weapons and gadgets, energy that can
restore power bars to the island's grid, reactor cores that power up
your units, bringing extra weapons online perhaps or raising their
health and movement capabilities. You can win an island campaign but
emerge so battered and so lacking in resources that your hopes for the
next island are pretty much scuppered. And when you get to the next
island, the whole thing repeats, and then, once you've liberated two of
the four islands, you can decide to take on the multi-stage final
mission - or you can risk everything on tackling another island or two in the hopes that it will leave you better prepared.
in a handful of simple but satisfying enemy types: lobbers,
earth-quakers, psionic brains that give everyone on their side a boost.
Throw in weapons that allow you to flip enemy attack directions, that
laser through multiple targets and leave flames or ice in their wakes.
Throw in those pilots that come with their own perks and can be levelled
up or lost in a single mistake. Throw in those different friendly units
that play in entirely distinct ways, one group specialising in stirring
up lighting storms, another that seems to receive as much damage as it
deals out when it's fighting.
And pretty soon you're lost in the
detailing and you realise that - yes! - alongside being billiards and
Whack-a-Mole and chess and American Football and all the rest of it,
Into the Breach is also FTL, in its delight in the glinting clockwork of
failure, in its fascination with difficult choices, in surprising
victories, in drastic variation that works its strange magic within
tight restrictions. And all of these games come together to make Into
the Breach, which is precise and brutal and complex and dizzying and
utterly thrilling - and Into the Breach is, somehow, entirely its own
thing too.